Welcome to Five Tool Reports

The 5 Pillars of Performance Program

What would it mean for you and for your game.
if you were able to unlock massive, explosive, untapped.
performance potential that you didn’t even know you had?
The 5 Pillars of Performance is the key to unlocking that potential.

About The Program

Why Are Metrics Important?

The 5 Pillars of Performance is a revolutionary athletic performance program that is truly unlike any other. We take a multi-pronged approach based in clinical neuroscience, targeted nutrition, and biohacking technologies to put your performance in hyperdrive. Each Pillar works synergistically with every other Pillar to magnify their effects and give you the highest possible level of performance.

Developed and used for a decade and a half to unleash and accelerate the incredible performance-enhancing power of the brain and nervous system, at it’s core, our program is based in what we call [Neuro-Recalibration Training™ (NRT) link to section on NRT]. The most advanced training method available. To be clear, our program is based in neuroscience. That is, how the body and brain communicate with each other effectively and efficiently to maximize physical and cognitive performance. It is NOT a form of sports psychology or “mind-body techniques” that help you visualize your way to better performance. Those things may have their place in your training, but they are not at all what this program is about. Our focus is very different.

By focusing on the following five areas of performance, our program becomes an unequalled amplifier or force multiplier for any other type of training you do:

5 Pillars of Performance Program

Pillar 1 – Energy & Nutrition

Helps Improve These Tools:

Hitting for Average

Hitting for Power

Fielding Ability

Arm Strength


It’s challenging enough keeping focused on the fundamentals of your game, much less trying to learn all the ins and outs of nutrition and supplements. We get it. You want to be Bigger, Stronger, and Faster. You want to be on top. You want to crush the competition. What you don’t want is to get bogged down in details. That’s our job, and we’re extremely good at it. Whatever your athletic goals are, our customizable nutritional programs give you the foundation you need for rising to the highest levels of your performance. Let us do what we do best so you can focus on what you do best: Win.

Why You Need It

Your body runs on energy, lots of it. Many athletes are just not making the levels of energy they really need. Even when using supplements, most aren’t getting what they need because often they are on the wrong program, or worse because the overwhelming majority of nutritional products on the market are of very poor quality. Did you know that supplements aren’t required to contain the ingredients listed on the label? That’s why professional quality products are a must.

From gaining muscle mass and sustaining maximum contraction, to being able to make lightning fast decisions and rapid movements, as an athlete you need to give your body the highest quality fuel to keep up with the demands you put on it. Our programs were developed by a doctor with over 20 years of experience in the field of nutrition to meet the needs of competitive athletes for all performance levels.

What We Offer

Nutritional Supplements: Let us help you give your body what it needs to create maximum energy all the way down to the cellular level. To meet your goals of being bigger, stronger, and faster, while putting the power down longer and recovering quicker, our flexible supplement programs can help give you the edge you need to crush the competition.


You get what you pay for, especially with supplements. There are many brands on the market, but an incredible number of them are of questionable quality, and many of which are honestly just plain garbage. To give you an idea of what we mean, we’ve even seen sawdust in supplement capsules! On the other hand we offer the finest professional quality supplement lines only offered by healthcare providers. Having worked extensively with these companies’ products throughout his 20-year career- and personally used for much longer, Dr. Daccardi is thoroughly confident in their quality and potency.

NSF Certified for Sport®:

As an additional benefit for athletes that want or require it, we also provide supplement options that have undergone strict third-party “NSF Certified for Sport®” certification recognized by the MLB and the MLB Players Association, the NFL, and the PGA. According to their website, “NSF is the only independent, third-party testing organization certification that offers true testing of dietary supplements.” Certified products are verified to be free of the 280 banned substances tested for by most major athletic organizations, while also verifying that each and every batch of that supplement contains ingredients stated on the label. Learn more about NSF Certification.

Biohacking Tools

Biohacking tools are becoming very popular for a good reason, and that’s because they work. When we stack our biohacking tools with our professional-grade supplements and the other Pillars of Performance, the combined effect can improve performance to mind-blowing levels.

PEMF & Red Light

Many studies indicate that Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) mats and Red Light Therapy can help stimulate ATP production which acts as fuel for the cells, while also improving blood flow, and oxygenation, while decreasing soreness, inflammation and pain.

Exercise With Oxygen Training (EWOT)

EWOT is another tool we use that allows athletes to obtain the benefits of exercising while breathing a high concentration of oxygen (about 94%) which is more than 4 times that of normal room air. By saturating the blood with oxygen, the brain and all other tissues and systems of the body work better because oxygen is in itself a major component of ATP (energy) production inside every cell.

5 Pillars of Performance Program

Pillar 2 – Strength, Power, & Stability

Helps Improve These Tools:

Hitting for Average

Hitting for Power

Arm Strength


What if you could multiply the gains you get from your current weight training program? Sounds impossible, but now you can! Our one-of-a-kind program is a truly revolutionary approach to absolutely unleashing your strength, power, and stability with Neuro-Recalibration Training™ (NRT). We combine NRT with the incredible Proteus Motion 3D system to create the only program of its kind, anywhere

Why You Need It

As dedicated athletes know, core stability is the foundation of strength and power. But until now, core stability training has focused on only strengthening these muscles while completely missing the other critical components and they’re HUGE. Want to know what they are?

Activation and Control

Designed to activate and control your core ,Neuro-Recalibration Training serves as the foundation for this and all of the other Pillars of Performance. When the core is activated and properly controlled with NRT, it can help you open up levels of strength and power you didn’t know you had, but was there all along. It’s like finding money in your pocket! But wait, there’s more…

The same activation and control that give your core muscles stability and power also applies to EVERY muscle of the body. For example, the strength of your shoulder first depends on a stable core, but then it also depends on the activation and control of the shoulder muscles themselves.

So what if there was a way to not only unlock the full potential of each and every muscle, but also make it so that the strength training you are already doing becomes much, much more effective? There is, with NRT.

Let’s dig in to all of this a bit more in the next section

Why It's Important

Let’s go back to example of your shoulder. Every time you move your shoulder or lift something there are muscles that make the main movement (called prime movers) and they get all the attention. If your body was a baseball team, they would be the star pitcher. But these muscles are only half of the equation.

There are also muscles which do the difficult, often invisible work of keeping the joints stable (called stabilizers), so that the prime movers have something to pull against. Think of these muscles like you would a catcher; the strong, stable unsung heroes of the team. And it’s the combination of pitcher and catcher working together that can give your team strength. Neither one alone can get the job done, and how well they do their job depends on how well they communicate with one another.

Here’s a key takeaway: Even strong muscles must be told what to do in a loud and clear way by the brain for it to work optimally and give you maximum power. If you can’t contract core (and other) stabilizing muscles with maximum force, and in perfect coordination with each other, you don’t have true stability. In fact you’re missing out on a gigantic part of what you work so hard to build.

And here’s a secret: Everyone – even up to gold medal winning olympians – do not have the true stability and power that is available to them right now, because like you they haven’t yet properly trained to restore activation and control controls. How do we know this? Because until now nobody knew how.

What NRT Is

Neuro-Recalibration Training (NRT), developed over the last 15 years by Dr. Jac Daccardi is the only program of it’s kind. We use this method to restore the key control mechanisms crucial to achieving maximum core stability. Once restored, not only can core stability improve very rapidly, but because of this new level of stability, NRT becomes a force multiplier or amplifier for strength training of any kind.

In other words even your current strength training program can be significantly more effective when coupled with NRT. In short, NRT is a method that helps remove conflicting information (what we just call “noise”) from the streams of information your brain controls your body with. Once this noise is removed, your brain can communicate with your body with a loud and clear signal so that your muscles can give you maximum explosiveness, endurance, and give you much greater stability.

To be clear, we are NOT talking about sports psychology or using “mind-body techniques” that help you visualize your way to better performance. That may have it’s place, but it’s not what we do. Nor is what we do some kind of woo-woo. It’s based in clinical neuroscience. It’s a bit complex, but if you are interested in reading more about how NRT works, keep reading. First, here’s an example to make it more understandable:

  • Imagine yourself trying to tell your friend a complicated set of directions across a noisy, crowded room. It’s difficult. While some of the information does get through, other pieces of it are misunderstood or totally lost in the noise. This is basically what is happening in your brain-body communication networks. These networks can become clogged with conflicting information or “noise” due to the persistent neurological effects of a lifetime of even relatively minor injuries and traumas, surgeries, dental work, and even piercings and tattoos. Yes, even tattoos.
  • Now imagine that suddenly everyone in the crowded room went perfectly silent, and you were able to share those directions with your friend loudly and clearly. This is what Neuro-Recalibration Training does: first, it silences the noise from the system, then once the brain and body are able to communicate with one another more effectively, we then train to strengthen the signals critical to your performance.

How NRT Works

Because critical brain-body communications are being clogged up with conflicting information, performance can suffer greatly. Where does all this conflicting information come from? As mentioned above, it results from the persistent neurological effects of physical traumas such as injuries, surgeries, dental work, piercings and tattoos, etc. that you have experienced throughout your life.

So what do I mean by “persistent neurological effects”?

When physically traumatic events are significant enough, the signals that your body sends to your brain to tell it what is happening can continue on at a low level long after the healing has taken place. Often for a lifetime! Those signals, such as pain, may have been valuable at the time of an injury, but after the injury heals, that signal is no longer necessary. Yet there remains a residual signal sending the same message over and over about the trauma. And they can continue on at a very low level without you being aware of it. Indefinitely.

Now multiply this situation by the number of times in your life where you’ve hit your head, sprained your ankle, whacked your elbow really hard, had your wisdom teeth pulled, dislocated a shoulder or broken a bone, and yes…even having gotten a tattoo. The point is, there can be a LOT of noise in the system, and whether you know it or not, it’s a very big deal.

As a result, critical information gets confused or lost in the noise, just like a conversation in a crowded, noisy room. This can sap performance from every aspect of your game, or make it more difficult to perform at your best without you knowing it. Whether it is learning or refining a new skill, maximizing explosiveness, increasing stability, improving hand-eye coordination, balance, or decision-making, once the noise is removed, your performance in all these areas can increase. Often, dramatically

NRT & Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is a concept that is finally starting to get traction in the world of sports and athletic performance training. You should get familiar with it, because it’s coming like a freight train, and there’s no stopping its takeover of the training landscape. To even be competitive in the very near future, athletes are going to need various forms of neuro-performance training.

Dr. Daccardi started using this concept in his training and treatment of professional athletes 15 years ago, with astounding results. Now, everyone is just starting to wake up to the power of it but, you are still on the cutting edge of it, which gives you a HUGE advantage. NRT leverages the power of Neuroplasticity. In a nutshell the principle simply says that the more you do something, the better you become at it. Your brain and nervous system adapt to what it encounters and it is the main reason why we improve when we practice. This is Neuroplasticity working in your favor, and this is a very good thing!

However, neuroplasticity can also work against you. When you have a physical trauma (again, even relatively minor ones such as a tattoo) nervous system signals which began at the time of the traumatic event can “get stuck” and continue to ripple throughout the system long after the event has ended. In short, injuries frequently become extremely efficient noisemakers that overload your system. More or less permanently.

NRT is the only approach which first removes that noise, then re-trains the communication systems to increase the correct information. The best part is that NRT works in tandem with other kinds of training you are already doing, and has NO DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS ON YOUR SKILLS. Working this way, the nervous system becomes far more efficient and effective at communicating with itself and with other systems of the body, and you can reach performance levels that were previously out of your grasp.

How We Do It

We use a series of interactive activities coupled with cutting-edge proprietary audio/visual technologies and sensory stimuli to reset brain-body communication and remove the “noise” from it. We follow this with other kinds of brain-based training to improve strength, reaction times, balance, agility, and hand-eye-foot coordination (proprioception).

The Proteus Motion 3D System

Proteus is an incredibly powerful cutting-edge performance training machine that not only measures strength and power for every human movement, but it is also the only training machine on the market that functions as an adaptive 3D resistance training tool.

In testing mode, Proteus can evaluate many different measures of performance, provide rankings of where you stand among athletes in your age range and sport, and provide a step-by-step Proteus-based training program. It’s truly incredible. When in training mode with Proteus, it mirrors your movements in all three dimensions to provide a constant amount of resistance through an entire range of motion. Something weights, cable machines, and resistance bands simply cannot do. It can also help prevent injuries during training because it stops when you stop. We also can use the proteus to train for explosiveness of movement as well as balance and coordination.

Even if we just offered the combination of Proteus and Neuro-Recalibration Training, it could create an unprecedented state-of-the art performance transformation found nowhere else. It’s that powerful. But that said, this is just ONE of our five pillars. Learn more about the Proteus Motion 3D System.

5 Pillars of Performance Program

Pillar 3 – Balance and Coordination

Helps Improve These Tools:

Hitting for Average

Hitting for Power

Fielding Ability

Arm Strength


In baseball, there’s nothing more central to your performance as Balance and Coordination. Though it might not be as flashy as other aspects of performance, it is just as, or more important because of how deeply it affects every aspect of your game. Our tools can help make your tools the most formidable weapons they can be.

Why You Need It

Not falling over when you stand up doesn’t mean you have good balance. When the different systems that tell your brain how to balance aren’t in perfect agreement, performance suffers. Because the body is so complex, it may not be obvious that balance and coordination issues are what’s keeping you from leveling up in your game. That’s why we’re here to help.

Just as in other pillars, conflicting information stuck in your nervous system (noise) can prevent your brain from getting a clear and immediate picture of how to respond to your surroundings. In this case, with balance. Whether it’s running backwards and looking up to catch a fly ball, getting maximum torque while taking a swing, throwing out a runner at first base, or having the agility to escape a squeeze play, balance plays a huge part in performance.

This Pillars of Performance has been designed to identify where improvements can be made to your balance and coordination, eliminate the noise in those systems, and help re-train balance the right way to maximize your performance.

Why It's Important

Balance is a result of the coordination of information between several systems. Without the full and correct information from these systems you would have no idea whether you were standing up, sitting or dangling upside down. Obviously, if you’re an athlete, that’s not the case with you, or you wouldn’t be able to play. BUT…

Because these systems overlap one another, if one system isn’t performing as well as the others, issues with balance can be hidden to a certain degree. Like a teammate that can’t pull his own weight, the others around him may have to pick up the slack to win the game. The crowd may not notice but everyone on the team sure does. So like that teammate, balance and coordination issues can be a partially hidden drain on performance.

Interested in learning more? Here are some of the details:

There are three main systems that work together to help you balance:

  • The vestibular system (inner ear) which is extremely sensitive to head movements and position,
  • The visual system whose reflexes play a huge part in orienting yourself in space by providing positional feedback and,
  • Position receptors located all throughout the body, known as proprioceptors.

So our first question is, are these systems all working together like they should? So we do testing to answer that. For example, we can see if the visual system is covering up poor performance in the other two systems by having you close your eyes. If you close your eyes, the visual system can’t help you balance and if you begin to sway or fall it tells us that one or both of the other systems are not performing like they should. Likewise we also test the other systems which will give us information on how well your systems of balance are working together, and how to help you improve it.

How We Do It

After we determine if there are any areas of balance that could use improvement, as in other pillars, we use Neuro-Recalibration Training first to remove conflicting information (noise) from within these systems. Once we do that, we then move into a different part of the program to help rebuild and strengthen those areas using proprioceptive (balance) retraining and movement and resistance tools that such as the Proteus Motion 3D machine to take you to levels you cannot achieve in any other way.

5 Pillars of Performance Program

Pillar 4 – SAQ: Speed, Agility & Quickness

Helps Improve These Tools:

Hitting for Average

Hitting for Power

Fielding Ability

Arm Strength


Just when you thought you couldn’t get any better, this Pillar of Performance will help you reach levels of play you never thought were possible. Whether up at the plate or playing the field, to be the best it is a must for you to get to the ball or to the bag quickly. If you want more pop off of your bat, more snap in your throw, or beat more throws to first, the SAQ Pillar can help put you on top.

Why You Need It

To dominate, you performance depends on SAQ. This Pillar focuses on how rapidly you can fire muscles to their max to get your body moving, stopping, and changing directions. However all these actions depend not only on how well your body responds to your every command, but also how well you can see your immediate environment and make rapid, clear, and often complex decisions. No other part of your performance is as dependent on brain processing power and having clear internal communications – free of noise – between your brain and body as SAQ.

Agility training, plyometrics, and lifting are all core ingredients in improving speed, agility, and quickness. If you are serious about your athletic ability, these training methods are critical, and we encourage our athletes to engage in traditional strength and conditioning programs. But they are only part of the picture. To be clear, our program doesn’t take the place of these tried and true approaches, BUT when you combine them with our SAQ Pillar your performance results can be greatly magnified. That’s right, our program acts as an amplifier or force multiplier for any program you may already be doing! It’s a hybrid approach that cannot be achieved by any one program alone.

You need to give yourself every performance advantage possible and in ways that other athletes simply haven’t yet. With this Pillar you can improve quickness, reaction times, and decision-making, and even see the ball better. When you bring these amplified elements of performance to the field, it can give you the edge you need to obliterate the competition. We know you already work hard. But only the athletes who also work smarter by participating in the Five Pillars of Performance program have these advantages, because it’s the only program of it’s kind in existence.

How We Do It

Speed, Agility, Quickness can all improve when your internal lines of communication aren’t jammed with nonsense. Having cleared out the noise in brain-body communications with NRT in Pillars 2 and 3, the slate has been cleared to do specific training of your brain and body to further increase quickness and improve your reflexes and reaction times.

Our training activities represent another aspect of NRT which will help you level up by strengthening the the skills you already have, and by building new ones using the newest approaches developed in the field sports performance neuroscience. When you let us help you get two steps ahead of your competition by joining the 5 Pillars of Performance program, the scale of the difference it can make in your internal brain-body communication and control is like the difference between whispering in a stadium full of people vs. yelling in a small quiet room. The difference is Loud and Clear.

5 Pillars of Performance Program

Pillar 5 – Eye-Hand-Foot Recalibration

Helps Improve These Tools:

Hitting for Average

Hitting for Power

Fielding Ability

Think about this: To hit a baseball squarely, the contact areas on both ball and bat is only about the width of a a pencil (6-7 millimeters). Both are moving in different directions, at different angles, speeds, and spin, and you have half a second or less to see the ball leave the pitcher’s hand and guess at where you think it’s going to be. Then you have to put your bat in exactly the right place at the right time. The odds are already stacked against you.

In this game where millimeters are critical, how much more difficult would it be to play your best if you didn’t know exactly where your hands were? (Hint: Way more.) How much better would you play if you did know exactly where your hands were? (Hint: A lot.) Guess what? You probably don’t know exactly where your hands are. Do you know what that means? It means we have an opportunity to stack the odds in your favor.

Why You Need It

Chances are, you don’t know exactly where your hands are. We take it for granted that we do know where each and every part of our bodies is located. But an amazing discovery made by Dr. Daccardi is that almost nobody does. They’re lost in space.

It’s a problem that the general population has the luxury to ignore. But for finely-tuned athletes who need to deliver their highest performance day in and day out, it’s likely messing with their game – your game – BIG TIME.

This all might sound crazy, but you probably have friends or family members that bump into or drop things all the time, or are just generally clumsy. It’s because they’re lost in space; they don’t know exactly where all the parts of their body are. While these are the more extreme examples of the problem, it actually may not really affect their lives all that much.

While athletes have similar issues, those issues can be much less visible from day to day because of their development and training . However, baseball players – because of the extraordinary level of skill they need to have and maintain on the field – even tiny misjudgments can mean the difference between going big or going home.

You may be thinking, “How can this be? I know where my hands are!” Well, since you probably never knew where your hands and feet were exactly to begin with, you have nothing to compare it to, you just assume that you know, and any performance issues that result from it are just written off as “that’s just how I am”.

So you end up trying to train your way out of the problems caused by this issue. Maybe blaming yourself for not being able to overcome it, or even wrecking your self-confidence for something that isn’t even your fault. But the fact is that frequently in this game of millimeters, any given part of you body might actually be one or two – to 70 millimeters (several inches) or more off from where your brain thinks it is!

Worse yet, where your brain thinks each part of your body is, is usually totally inconsistent. This is a big deal; a VERY big deal. For example if you hold out your hand in front of you, your brain may think it’s a tiny bit to the left and a bit lower than it actually is. But when you hold it out to your side, your brain may think it’s two inches higher and a bit further away from you. Sounds incredible, because you would think you would be totally uncoordinated and falling all over the place if this was true.

But check this out: While the above is happening with the one hand, your brain is also trying to keep track of the other hand. Let’s say you also put this one out in front of you, but because of faulty data, your brain may think it is located a millimeter or maybe even an inch off in a totally different direction as the other hand, and so on. So if you put your hands together in front of you, or let’s say around the handle of your bat, you get all kinds of conflicting positional information about where your hands are. The same thing can happen with your feet, your head and every other part of your body too!

Because none of this incoming data makes sense, your brain has to compromise and average out all of this conflicting information. It adapts and compensates and you end up just having to deal with the inconsistencies in your performance. What’s more, is that this is a huge drain on brain processing power, taking away from every aspect of your performance.

Why It's Important

Given the example in the previous section, can you can imagine how this could decrease your batting average? Can you imagine how at a critical point in a game you could easily misjudge where your glove is and miss a line drive? Or throw a wild pitch? Or miss the cutoff man? Or miss the tag? It happens all the time, particularly if you don’t know exactly where you are in space.

What’s even more interesting is that if you don’t exactly know where every part of your body is, you also don’t exactly know where your bat or glove is. And you certainly won’t know exactly where a ball moving at you at high speed is. So in fact, you wouldn’t know exactly where anything around you is! The good news is virtually everyone has this issue, and when it’s resolved by doing the Five Pillars of Performance program, it’s another MASSIVE advantage you have over your competition

How We Do It

In order for you to have an clear picture of where you (and everything else) are in space, like the other Pillars, the noise interfering in brain-body communications need to be removed first. Because this was already done using Neuro-Recalibration Training in other Pillars, we don’t have to repeat that process. However, at this point we begin to utilize yet another phase of NRT to “recalibrate” the positional (proprioceptive) systems involved in this pillar.

We do this by using our proprietary audio/visual technologies along with other sensory stimuli, in combination with head, eye, hand, and foot movements and positions. This process of recalibration or re- alignment restores the proper signals in the web of neurological communication and restores accurate positional information for each part of the body. Dramatic results can appear immediately, yet like every other kind of training, your body becomes more efficient when it is performed regularly.